? Who Is Imam Mahdi

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Hi !


Welcome 😊

we want to introduce Imam Mahdi


Imam Mahdi is the 12th Imam of the Shiites (Muslim). He is the last choice of ALLAH To lead humans

And 1400 years are waiting for humans to be ready to emerge.

And when he emerges, he will fill the world with justice.


🔴 Why do we have to believe?


Today, Zionism tries with the media to portray Muslims brutally and cruelly.

1400 Years ago ,The Imams and the Qur'an (the words of ALLAH) expressed the events before the advent and the late Ayatullah Khazali 43 years ago, with the interpretation of the Quran, expresses some of the events before the emergence (Imam Mahdi)  in a speech.(Amazing)


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